
Respon kepada pemenang2…

Aku terbaca post dari pemenang2, teringin mengomen, tp tertulis panjang plak. Bile dah panjang sangat, tak seswai plak. Last2, aku jadikan la respon aku ni sebagai entri sulung utk blog aku (yang dibuat petang tadi). Igtkan saje2 buat account, malas nk isi pape, tp…. err, wut teh hell la.

Ni respon aku, tp sblom tu, baca dulu la entri pemenang2 (dan komen2nya skali);

“Aku rase tulisan kau ni reflek langsung hasil pembelajaran kau kt Mesir ni. Lagi tepat, sistemnya. Dan nampaknya aku terpaksa membangkanglah skit. (bangkangan aku ialah diatas premis, ape yg ko tulis ni ialah refleksi perasaan ko tentang pembelajaraan kt Mesir, medic setepatnya)

1st skali, psl muktazilah, masalah muktazilah ialah meletakkan akal diatas wahyu, melimitkan kuasa takdir tuhan. Ade tuhan tp takde efek, adik beradik ngn sekularisme.

2nd, psl blaja menghafal, sbenarnya, benda yg kite blaja terutamanya taun 1 dan 2, adalah sgt basic. Dan benda basic caranya ialah kena hafal. Tak kesah displin ilmu mana2 pun, bio ke, fizik ke, matematik ke, pengajian agama ke. Basic itu yg penting, blaja tanpa basic ibarat blaja dari internet (ataupun jadi  blaja tanpa guru ibarat blaja dgn setan). Blaja silat pun ada basicnya, kekuda, cara menumbuk, cara melompat.

Pengajian zaman dulu pun ade basicnya, dan zaman skang pun ade basicnya. Cume “discovery” zaman dulu dah bertukar jadi “basic” zaman ni. Bile ada basic, baru tau persoalan/masalah. Bile tau persoalan/masalah, barulah buat ekperimen ke, invention ke.

Cuma basic zaman dulu tak sama ‘saiz’nya dengan basic zaman skang. Invention zaman dulu dah jadi basic zaman skang. Dari aspek ini, bolelah dikatakan pembelajaran skang lebih mencabar dan menarik.

Sama dgn medicine, ade basicnya. Cume medicine ini, adalah rangkuman beberapa disiplin ilmu, bio (dah tentu), kimia, fizik, matematik, sosial, geography dan basic yg specific utk medic, seperti histo, fisio, anat, biochem. Jadi basic utk medic lebih memeningkan.

Percayalah, basic ini sangat penting. Tanpa basic, akan terkial-kial dihari kemudian. Tanpa basic yg kuat, akan bertambah boring belajar medic ini. Dan dengan basic yg kuat, akan menarik ditahun2 mendatang.

Dan dgn basic yg kuat baru otak kite bole berpusing2 laju bile masuk clinical. Ketika itulah nak terpikir buat invention ke, buat eksperimen ke.

Dan cara utk belajar basic ialah cara hafalan (dan paham dulu tentunya)

Sesetengah pengajian medic, seawal taun 2 dah masuk hospital (seperti di Malaysia contohnya). Dah ada oncall, blaja skill menjahit lah, masuk catheter la, wound dressing lah. Cara ini ada kelebihannya, dan tentunya ade kekurangannya.

Cara kite di Mesir, taun 4 baru jumpe pesakit, itu pun, yg diutamakannya tetap teori. Teori, teori, dan teori…, tapi ape salahnya, kata nak jadi House MD (haha). Kalo tak nak blaja menghafal sgt, tunggu taun clinical, sbb taun clinical menjanjikan keperluan memusingkan otak.

Janganlah risau tentang skill yg kurang, sbb kita lepasan pelajar medic sumer akan mengikuti housemanship 2 tahun, bersama-sama pelajar yg dah blajar skill awal2. Tempoh 2 taun tu la katanya utk asah skill kite yg kurang nnt.

Jadi insyaAllah sumernya akan ‘level out’ balik bile habis housemanship nanti. Dan tentunya teori yg tinggi akan menyebabkan otak kite menjadi lebih pusing dan kuranglah risiko menjadi sindrom burung kakak tua.

Belajar kt Mesir banyak masa lapang, jadi nk gi cari ilmu lain ke (kalo nak lah), nk beribadat lebih ke, nak gi enjoy2 ke, nk tido lebih pon bole…

p/s= tiada masalah sindrom burung kakak tua dgn pengajian cara Mesir, sbb agak banyak invention2 dan discovery2 yg dibuat doktor2 Mesir. Gi check sendiri nnt.

p/s= bezakan maklumat dan ilmu. Sbb zaman dulu, maklumat lambat, ilmu lagi jelas. Tapi zaman skang, maklumat luas, ilmu tenggelam dalam lautan maklumat.”

Allahu A’lam

11 Responses to “Respon kepada pemenang2…”

  1. September 14, 2008 at 4:47 am

    hurm….btol gak…tapi ade sumthing yang saya tak puas..nanti ah..( anggap r x kenal boseiyong ni sape) haha

  2. 2 Ben Youssef
    September 14, 2008 at 5:49 am

    Apapun, sistem belajar di sini lebih kepada untuk ‘mass produce’ doktor. Tapi tidaklah bermakna mereka mengabaikan aspek kualiti apabila mereka mementingkan kuantiti.
    Seorang senior pernah menggambarkan sistem pengajian di sini ibarat bermain ‘jigsaw puzzle’. Kita mengumpulkan kesemua keping-kepingan puzzle tersebut dan akan mula mencantum-cantum kepingan tersebut sebaik sahaja kita melangkah ke tahun klinikal …

    Burung kakaktua tidak pandai bermain ‘jigsaw puzzle’ … Jadi tiada apa yang perlu dirisaukan 🙂

  3. September 14, 2008 at 5:27 pm

    salam mad…
    komen anta seolah2 anta dah mula membuka pintu ke ‘alam klinikal’, tahniah!
    jom kita ulas artikel si pemenang2 lak…
    memang zaman ni dah begitu…ilmu telah tertulis, hanya perlu diterima. tapi jgn lupa, ilmu punyai sifat BERKEMBANG. ya, yg dimaksudkan berkembang di sini ialah tidak statik. jadi tanggungjawab siapa ini semua? masih nk harapkan ulama’ terdahulu yg tlh pon selesaikn amanah ilmu mereka?
    perlu diingat, masalah, kajian atau penerokaan zaman ini tidak sama dgn dahulu. contohnya, cukuplah hukum2 fizik menjadi pegangan asas ulama fizik, nah kita di zaman ni cipta la plak sesuatu berdasarkn hukum tu.
    utk medic plak, pergi la dari thn 1 smpai thn 6 pon, kite akan ‘telan’ medic tu satu2 drpd buku dan doktor kuliah. sprti biase, tugas kite slps itu ape?
    kembangkan, aplikasikan dan akhirnya ubah suai, naik taraf dan mudahkan generasi akan dtg plak. baru la satu hari nanti anak2 kite x mengaji buku teks dgn isi yg sama mcm kite zaman Univ.dulu.
    apapun, sy suka dgn pemikiran ekstrem camni ia mencambahkan idea kritikan kpd golongan yg ‘telan’ ilmu hny utk lulus exam!
    ini pendapat tanpa kajian, hanya pemerhatian.
    wallahu a’lam.
    -isra’ (pembonceng blog Kadir)

  4. September 14, 2008 at 8:18 pm

    response for ur comment from mr.pemenang’s blog:

    1)i think i never said that it is 100% entirely the system’s fault and not the people themselves?i’m saying that the system is one of the factor that contributed to this current trend of ‘following rather than thinking’.and i believe that that much is true.just imagine if we cancel the system for a while and see the reaction of the students.if there are no changes at all,then you’r right,it is really 100% bcoz of their own laziness.and if there are some changes in the student’s reaction,then the system is indeed had a significant effect on the students.(ignore the negative response for this case-this is just to see whether the system imposed an effect on the students’ performance and behavior or not)

    2)of coz,there are students out there who really keen to learn things,one of them might be u,sir.but to say someone else as weak bcoz they were trapped in this system is simply unfair.remember the case of the indian girl who hung herself bcoz she couldnt scored her UPSR?why was this happened?is this simply bcoz she is weak?

    i think it would be better to look at this from the student’s point of view.i agree with u,there are students out there who’re simply lazy and using the system as an excuse.but for other students,maybe like the late indian girl,how about other factors like their environment and stuff?have u ever consider about all the pressures that they’ve got;from family,schools(pemenang had gave a good example up there-which means that this kind of ‘pressure’ is not just a lame excuse but it really happened in the education world),pressure from friends,teachers,and the exam itself?how about the student’s financial condition?have it ever occurred to u that some poor students really2 want to get good results and dont give a damn about this ‘thinking’ stuff bcoz they dont want to waste their parents’ money,paying for the schools/universities fees and stuff?and u come out with the conclusion that they are simply weak without even putting urself in their shoes?u might say,’but i can do it what’.of course,but different people have different IQ an EQ.have u ever heard about how this examination oriented system had made lots of students to suffer from nervous break-down,depression,low self-esteem?is the system not draining away the spirit of learning and developing critical thinking when all that the students hear from their teachers and principle is ‘we have to get good results to maintain the good name of our school so that we would get the ISO thingy bla bla bla..’we have to be strong in our action,true,but to say that this has nothing to do at all with the system,i would say that i have to disagree with that.

    3)”we are not like in the old days, where the scholars learnes about things from scratch, and back then it was not exam-oriented;they learn things bcoz they WANT to kno bout it and not bcoz they HAVE to know about it to enter some schools or unis or whatever.”

    if u translate it to malay,it will become ‘keadaan kita sekarang adalah tidak sama seperti pada zaman lampau,di mana para cendekiawan memulakan pendidikan daripada asas-daripada tiada kepada ada.zaman dulu pendidikannya tidak berorientasikan kepada peperiksaan;mereka belajar atas dasar ingin tahu dan bukannya utk memasuki mana2 institusi pendidikan.’

    i’m sorry but i dont know what is it that is wrong with this statement.i mean, it is true right,that our system like now is like ‘sumbat pelajar dgn apa yg sedia ada’ dan bukannya memulakan pencarian dari zero,rite?when did i say that the sholars from Imam Shafie era are lagi power,lagi susah and we are no good at all?i’m simply stating the current system compared with the old system;this statement has no double meaning and not leading to any conclusion.so it’s really up to ur own interpretation i think.if u want to see it in that way then i’m fine with it.

    4) to be perfectly honest,i think the solution could be derived from the system itself and also from the students (and from other contributing factors as well such as politics.duhh,now it’s getting complicated hehe).the system should be more practical and lenient;not too lenient to the extend that the students might end up become lazy and do things according to their own way without guidance,but at least give the students a chance to practice the freedom of thinking not only at home or in their head only,but also in the education institution itself.this kind of thinking actually needs practice, too, and i believe that it would be good if the education system in Malaysia could promote such critical learning environment.

    5)besides,like what u said,the students themselves should make some efforts,have their own initiative, develop a liking for knowledge and not just sit there doing nothing.if we dont make the changes ourselves,nobody gonna make things change for you.so maybe the students should work their ass of a little bit,be more energetic and not ‘mandom’ly studying only the parts that would come out in the exam.i agree that ilmu is berkembang,and it is our duty to ‘mengembangkan’ the knowledge with new ideas,discoveries, research and stuff.

    sorry for the VERY long comment.


  5. September 14, 2008 at 8:25 pm

    komen panjang dlm bahasa melayu boleh tahan lagi..


  6. September 14, 2008 at 8:59 pm

    abg mad salah r abg mad ….refleks saya bukan berdasarkan pembelaarn di mesir nih tapi sepanjang sejarah hidup saya terutama di kisas…terutama mereka yang bergelar pengetua …hoh hari2 suruh orang dapat result gempak2 ….

  7. September 14, 2008 at 9:31 pm

    abang2 sekelian….saya tak maksudkan medik mesir r….jangan kaitkan nama saya malu r…..tapi bole je bincang2…

  8. 8 boseiyong
    September 14, 2008 at 10:04 pm


    Safwan: Aku dah tau dah ko ckp psl kt kisas, tp respon aku akan tetap lebih kurang mcm ni gk. bende basic tetap dgn nature basicnya. Cuma kalo cikgu2 yg paksa korang dpt keputusan cemerlang utk naikkan ranking sek, itu mmg bullshit. Tapi aku yakin cikgu2 dkt kisas ikhlas dan caring dgn masa depan anak2 murid diorang.

    Shairah: sila tulis panjang lg. err, kritik sistem ok, tp salahkan sistem, itu yg tak bole. Dan aku tak ske kritik lebih2 bende kite takde kuasa nk ubah.

    Sila pandang ke hadapan buat dan bercita2 besar. Kalo org Islam skang duk terpikir jd scholar zaman dulu best la, byk discovery la, ape la. Alamatnya sampai bile2 umat islam jd consumer dalam bidang ilmu ni.

    Ilmu ni sentiasa berkembang, sambil2 kite mengeluh2 terkenang zaman dulu, org lain trus maju ke hadapan.

  9. 9 dah lepas tahun lima
    September 15, 2008 at 5:28 am

    dari tadika sampai sarjana muda ni spoon feed jer lah……apa2 invent baru yg korang pikir konon idea baru tu dah ader dah idea tu org pikir…siap buat kertas kerja lagi….kalau betula nak belajar secara kemahiran belajar secara kreatif dan kritis belajar sampai master and phd..haaa..time tu mmg kewajipan korang really2 studi into certain subject…buat invention..rumus2 baru..teknik2 baru…boleh buat trademark nama korang lagi…huh?..biler la nak jadik camtu ek……

  10. 10 aku
    September 15, 2008 at 9:27 am

    talk ’bout reality…really love this entry!!! huhu

  11. October 24, 2008 at 5:02 am

    Wow… hot issue… Hurm, nothing much to comment here… But all I want to highlight is, by the end of the day, all doctors regardless their graduated school need to work together right?… After all, it’s all about the patient later on, not us…. And just 4 the record, in Malaysia, we started our clinical year in 3rd year, not 2nd year… ;p… PEACE!! “An excellent medical student will not necessary be a good doctor”

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September 2008